Building functional hooves
Services I provide
Hoof care consultations
Barefoot trims
Composite shoeing
Boot fitting
Regularly scheduled trims every 4-5 weeks
Auto-text system for appointment confirmation and reminders
Gentle management solutions for sensitive horses be it from fear, pain, age and more (see special needs trim pricing)
Partnership with your other professionals like veterinarians, osteopaths, bodyworkers, and more
Ongoing support for questions, transition developments, and more
How I trim
When it comes to trimming, I take your horse’s unique situation and hoof quality into consideration. I leave as much healthy hoof support as I can while still allowing the natural mechanics of the hoof to do their work. Trimming is more than angle measurements (internal or external) and I strive to take a wide variety of factors into account when trimming and shoeing, including those beyond a horse’s anatomy, to be able to provide them with the best comfort and mechanics. Below are a few of the puzzle pieces I believe are critical and discuss regularly with my clients.
Hoof balance, quality, and fidelity to their bones/bony column
Gait, posture, and landings
Type of work or riding
Overall health and body condition
If you have any questions about how I’d approach trimming your horse, please feel free to contact me.
Part of your team
A common experience for horse owners is having a void between your horse’s health care team members. Owner’s are often left to bridge the communication gap between veterinarian, osteopath, bodyworker, hoof care provider and more. Myself and others are part of a growing number of professionals working hard to fill that void and create a more robust and connected team for the horses we serve to ensure greater success.
When veterinary care is involved and is related to hoof health, I do ask for you to involve me as well. This varies in capacity and necessity from being present at the visit to being sent a copy of their appointment record after the fact. In order to be able to do my best work as a provider for your horse, I need all the pertinent information. I am incredibly willing to collaborate with the other professionals in your circle (or to recommend you some in mine!) to further the health of your horse.